Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some Things to Consider

As you know, I am traveling down the investigative path to home schooling. I have done tons of reading and have had some things really speak to me, I wanted to share:

1. One Mother pointed out that when we send our kids of to school, we are missing the best parts of their days. Their brains are sharp and ready to learn. They are enthusiastic and energetic. By the time my son goes to school for 8 hours, then I work in the evening - When I finally see him - he is so tired, cranky, you name it. This concept really clicked with me. I want to spend the most productive parts of their days with them.

2. Socializing... I already got told by my mother in law that home-schooled kids aren't socialized. One mom that I met with last week said you will hear so many times, her point - What kind of socializing are they getting? It is not all the same, there can be negative consequences for unsupervised socialization. Some people just aren't on the same page as far as appropriate behavior, appropriate media, etc. So yeah, what kind of socializing are we talking about - has to be the first question you ask back.

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